
In General Chemistry you will study the atom and its electrons, molar conversions and stoichiometry, types of reactions including basic redox reactions, properties of matter and why it behaves the way it does, nuclear chemistry, and more. 

If you plan on going into science in college or taking AP Chemistry you should consider signing up for the sequence of Advanced Chemistry and AP Chemistry.

This course is for the college-bound student. Topics include an in depth look at mechanics and how mechanics relates to the real world. Some of the topics covered in mechanics will be: Speed, velocity and acceleration in more than one dimension, collisions, work, energy and machines. We will also look at sound and light, electrostatics and we will touch on modern physics. This course is math intensive and Algebra II is highly recommended.

Physical Science is the study of the physical world all around us. We will be studying many different topics in the physical world. Some of these are: Measurements, Basic Chemistry, Motion, Work, Power, Energy, Machines, Astronomy and Geology. This is a survey course that will cover the basics for these topics.